上传者:kiii 添加日期:2008-12-25 点击次数:

重庆两江隧道工程风险分析林志 刘海京(重庆交通科研设计院,重庆400067)
关键词 两江隧道 钻爆法 专家打分法 风险分析与评估 风险控制
Risk Analysis of Chongqing Two Rivers Tunnel
Lin Zhi Liu Haijing(Chongqing Communications Research and Design Institute, Chongqing
Abstract :Strong and lots of risks will be encountered in the construction of tunnel and underground engineering due to its complicated factors, especially for the road tunnel-crossing river, so the risk management of tunnel engineering project had been paid more and more close attention. This paper is based on Chongqing two rivers tunnel which is in plan, risk analysis and assessment on the NATM risk factors were carried out by the checklist method which is very common in the risk management, and also the measures of mitigations and
solving risk were provided in this passage, hope providing some references for this project and similar projects.
Key words: Two rivers tunnel;NATM;Checklist;Risk analysis and assessment;
Risk controlling

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